Milwaukee neo-rock band.

2MorroW EvR AfteR is a new energy for a new era. Formed in 2008, 2MorroW EvR AfteR (TEA) blends modern sounds with a plethora of older influences including Bowie, Prince, the Beatles, Alice Cooper, the Pretenders, the Cult and the Rolling Stones to create an engaging vibe. Catchy guitar hooks, big choruses and mesmerizing melodies are the apex of their well-crafted songs. This past summer, the band released their debut CD entitled INDIVISIBLE on the Tea Party Recordings Label. Their first single "Provocative" peaked at #12 on the RadioWave internet & satellite radio charts and established strong airplay on MTV Rock, VH1 Rock, AOL Rock, Yahoo Rock, Live 365, Pitt Radio, iHeart Radio, Europe FM and many more.